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Cybersecurity Smart Regions


The cybersecurity ecosystem of Brittany is well known for its expertise and dynamism. With the support of the Regional Council of Brittany, the regional development agency BDI is in charge of coordinating the development of the sector and promoting it at European level.

Two European projects contribute to this objective.

The first one, the « Pilot Action » gathers 8 European regions, all specialized in cybersecurity. Coordinated by the Regional Council of Brittany, they have worked together to create synergies and achieve a first milestone: a mapping of competencies of the partner regions based on a common definition of the value chain.

The second one, Interreg Europe CYBER is an interregional cooperation project with a more long-term approach. Led by BDI and the Regional Council of Brittany, it is based on the exchange of good practices among 7 European regions and aims to boost the competitiveness of cybersecurity SMEs by developing and implementing efficient policy actions.

Both projects benefit from BDI expertise in mapping regional ecosystems based on the Craft platform, as well as for its long lasting experience in the management of European cooperation projects. The map and a directory of cyber actors present in the partner regions of the Interreg project is available below.A dashboard is coming soon.