
The economy of competitive sailing industry in Brittany – summary 2020

Sailing & Technologies

This study was conducted by Eurolarge Innovation, a programme supporting competitive sailing technology in Brittany, piloted and managed by Bretagne Développement Innovation, the regional economic development agency.

The purpose of the study was to estimate the economic weight of competitive sailing integrating significant changes in the market: new races, new boats, new technologies, new navigation classes.

The study also shed light on stakeholders’ needs and constraints and revealed the challenges and levers for development in the sector.

It was conducted on two different but complementary population samples:

  • Industries, trade and services (direct benefits)
  • Teams and sporting projects (budget excluding boat cost)

The action follows an initial study conducted in 2017 on the economy of competitive sailing in Brittany (Industry Trade and Service) by Bretagne Développement Innovation and the support structures related to boating in Brittany (1).

1 Conseil Régional de Bretagne, Lorient Agglomération, Lorient Technopôle, Conseil Départemental du Morbihan, Finistère 360, Quimper Cornouaille Développement, Nautisme en Bretagne, Pôle Finistère Course au Large, Lorient Grand Large.


See summary