Smart energies : The West at the cutting edge
Since its launch in 2016, the bi-regional SMILE (SMart Ideas to Link Energies) project has enabled mass deployment of smart grid related projects across the Brittany and Loire regions, transforming the territory into a reference on a national level. Late 2020, over 51 Breton projects had received SMILE approval. In 2021, the SMILE association is becoming increasingly independent.
In this context, the Bretagne Développement Innovation missions are being refocused on the region and on projects relating mainly to smart energies (electricity, gas, hydrogen…). This focus remains part of the operational implementation of the Brittany energy transition (BreizhCop), while maintaining close links with SMILE and the Regional Council of Brittany.
Bretagne Développment Innovation contributes to the facilitation and coordination of smart energy projects, across the region, focusing on 5 main themes:
- Networks and smart territories
- Collaborative self-consumption and smart buildings
- Sustainable mobility
- Smart islands
- Data and the idea of “ethical consumerism”
The aim is to identify and implement collaborative projects and to provide support through partners and financial backers.

Our services
Our missions :
- Support the creation and the implementation of collaborative projects, both on a company level and across the Brittany territories.
- Coordinate connections between stakeholders to encourage the creation and/or duplication of projects
- Showcase this smart energy ecosystem through communication operations
- Maintain an updated map of Brittany’s stakeholders and projects
The tools at your disposal :
- Preparation of B2B meetings with project partners both in the regions and in Europe, through the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
- Links to financial backers
- Promotion of know-how
- Access to the relevant experts and expertise through a detailed database and associated services
- Access to industry studies
Actions in progress
European projects
SET-UP – Smart Energy Transition to Upgrade regional Performance
Funded by the Interreg Europe programme and coordinated by BDI, the SET-UP project involves sharing best practices between 6 European regions*: Brittany (Fr), Andalusia (Spain), Southern Transdanubia (Hungary), Lithuania, Leicester (UK), Algarve (PT).
The initial objective was to improve public policies around the support of smart grid development.
The programme was completed in 2020 and this interregional exchange process resulted in the identification of 11 Best Practices. An effective methodology shared among the project partners also led to the identification of 6 action plans for the integration of smart grid deployment in regional policies.
ICE Intelligent Community Energy (Security of supply)
In this interregional Channel project, Breton partners (the Syndicat d’énergie et d’équipement du Finistère, the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, the Brest Iroise and Quimper Cornouaille technopoles) and British partners (Universities of East Anglia, Exeter, Plymouth and Marine South East) joined forces to implement a range of energy management solutions. Two demo sites were chosen: the campus of the University of East Anglia and Ushant island, where the aim is to better integrate the production of renewable marine energies produced in the Fromveur passage and to approve autonomous or island energy models. Coordinated by BDI, this project will run over 4 years with a total budget of €8M.
"breton" projects (deployed on the territory or led by breton players)
commissioned projects
actors involved and partners